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ARTIFICIAL LIGHT was the theme for my personal project in March.

Artificial light


The theme for my project in March was “artificial light”. I’m not going to lie, this one was hard for me. I typically avoid artificial light like the plague. Some of my shots didn’t turn out at all. Some could have been better. And some I was pleasantly surprised.

My comfort zone is seeking out natural light, and then capturing moments within that environment. For this theme I had to think a little “outside my box.” I don’t have a flash or any lighting equipment, so I had to use what was available. I used lamps, handheld lights, lights that are part of our normal “after dark” routine. and I also played with twinkle lights and glow sticks (sadly, the glow sticks were an epic fail). I also feel like I kindof cheated a little by shooting black and white, but I just knew I wouldn’t be super happy with the colors in these scenarios! And I knew there would be great contrast, which is perfect for black and white!

If you missed my previous posts for this project, check them out here: January | February

Camera + film info:

Nikon F100 // Ilford HP5+1 // developed and scanned by Nelson Photo.

Do YOU have a story to tell??