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My Year of Themes project for February was focused on minimalism.



My Year of Themes project for February was focused on minimalism. I love simple, so I was excited for this theme! Then I remembered that simplicity and small children don’t necessarily go hand in hand, and I was finding it challenging to capture my kids’ everyday moments in a minimal way. That being said, I didn’t take a lot of minimalism themed photos with my kids in them. I kinda feel like I copped out. But I also feel like I stepped out of my comfort zone a bit too because I took a lot of photos without people in them, which is not typical for me!

I planned on trying to shoot 2 rolls with this theme in mind. That’s how excited I was for the theme! But the month got away from me. I love to shoot with negative space in mind often. This isn’t something new or super challenging for me. I really wanted to push myself with this theme and try to capture extreme minimalism. I didn’t exactly accomplish that. But, I am a busy work from home small business owner and simultaneously full time mom of three…during a pandemic. So, I am going to give myself some grace, and be proud that I was able to capture what I did! Heck, this is my 14th month in a row keeping up with blogging my personal photo projects, so that is a win in and of itself in my book!

I’m doing this project with a group of fellow film photographers! Be sure to check out their minimalism photos too! Dena | Amy | Emma | Catherine | Cami

If you missed my January theme post, check it out here!

Camera + film info:

Nikon F100 // Kodak Gold 200 // developed and scanned by Nelson Photo.

Do YOU have a story to tell??

  1. dena says:

    Ummmm, nailed it! LOVE the skipping/cycling shadows on the ground and then ooooh, the arms and legs photos. But wow, architecture just screams minimalism, especially when you know how to see it.

  2. Catherine says:

    Jolene! These are incredible šŸ˜ Also you are amazing to be doing all you are doing, 14 months is šŸ™Œ

  3. Cami says:

    Ummm, these are amazing!! So good to see all these interesting shapes and compositions from you! Still very Jolene. Iā€™m dying over the legs one. So so so cute. But these should all be prints! Gorgeous!

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