New year, new project! I’m kicking off 2021 with a couple new personal photo projects. The first project is focusing on a different theme each month. This month’s theme was “framing.” Framing refers to the technique of deliberately placing the primary subject in a position where accompanying elements surround it, highlight it or call attention to it. I am a composition gal to the core. I credit this to my background in graphic design; my college professors instilled the elements of design into our brains on a daily basis! So this theme fun for me, since I’m always looking for ways to enhance my composition anyways!
My other personal project is to shoot one disposable camera per month. Like I mentioned above, I am always on the lookout for ways to make a good composition in my photograph, almost to a fault sometimes. I have even found myself not photographing something because the perspective, composition, etc isn’t “just right.” So, shooting disposables is an effort to get myself to let go of perfection and just shoot for the moments. I debated doing another Project 365 (the last time I did one was in 2016), but felt like this was more manageable. Most days I still try to take at least one shot. But, a disposable only has 27 frames, so I don’t feel guilty missing a day here and there! We’ll see if I get around to posting any of these, but I do plan to make a photo book at the end of the year!
I’m doing this project with a group of fellow film photographers! Be sure to check out their framing photos too! Click here to see Peter’s post, and follow the blog circle!
Nikon F100 // Kodak Portra 400 // developed and scanned by Nelson Photo.